There are people across the world who love Jesus and the transformation that Christianity brings to individual lives and entire communities. But in many places Christians are opposed, oppressed and even murdered for this love. Persecution. People face Christian persecution in varying degrees and each – whether faced with a mean tweet or imprisonment – is legitimate and of great concern to believers across the world.
When it happens to us, our first question is – why? Followed by the thoughts that we are just living our lives. Our intentions are good. We’re only trying to improve our and others’ situations. So, why are people opposed to Christianity?
It is difficult to understand why any person, organization or authority would harm people on account of their faith. But much like disruptive companies, Christianity’s teachings challenge outdated and unjust systems and structures that keep the masses away from the goodness that God created for them to have. Examples of this include the role of Christianity in imparting education, shaping modern law, the practice of medicine including caring for the most vulnerable such as the leprosy-afflicted, the dissolution of the slave trade and championing the rights and freedoms of individuals.
The teachings of Christ have created upheavals in society. In the sense that the poor and downtrodden have been reached out to with love and compassion. People oppressed by racial and social prejudices have been liberated. If this is the reformation that is going to be generated, why the fear? Or, are the perpetrators of the crimes against Christians really afraid of exactly this transformation?
Burnt Alive – The Staines And The God They Loved
First, let us remember who we love and follow. Jesus Christ was persecuted. Whatever we feel, Jesus felt it too. He was misunderstood, ridiculed, intimidated, beaten, imprisoned and sentenced to death. But His response to all of that is what changed the world. Our response to Christian persecution can too.
What should we do when we are persecuted?
The answers are in the Bible.
If our faith in Christ is the reason we are persecuted, then our faith is what will prepare and strengthen us to do what we are supposed to in response. If Bible reading is not a part of your regular routine, start by reading these Bible verses on persecution and then read the entire passages, chapters and books of the Bible to understand our role and purpose in this persecution.
Our response can change the course of events. But we must be sure that it is a response that is in accordance with God’s will and not according to our human nature, which often includes vengeance. By praying over the situation and reading the Bible over the situation, God’s will can be carried out in the lives of both the persecutors and the persecuted.
The Body of Christ is meant to help one another.
We know that all Christians everywhere are one body and we are instructed to love one another. When one part is harmed, we may not be able to respond in the same manner, but we can each do what we can: pray for people, comfort them, rescue who we can, spread the word about what people are going through, or use our positions to influence policy on a global level to prevent and end the persecution of Christians. Follow these organizations to be informed about Christian persecution around the world and to do what we can:
- Open Doors (www.opendoorsusa.org)
- Global Christian Relief (www.globalchristianrelief.org)
- International Christian Concern (www.persecution.org)
- Voice of the Martyrs (www.persecution.com)
- USCIRF (www.uscirf.gov)
- Be Heard Project (www.beheardproject.com)
- March For The Martyrs (www.forthemartyrs.com)
Keep moving forward, we have a job to do.
When we are persecuted, we feel fear, anger, helplessness and yearn for someone to help us. The people of God were in a similar situation as they camped by the sea near Pi Hahiroth, opposite Baal Zephon when Moses was leading them away from Pharaoh. They were escaping persecution when they looked up and saw Pharaoh’s horses, chariots, horsemen and troops pursuing them. They were terrified and cried out to the Lord. Moses comforted them by saying that the Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. But this was God’s response:
Why do you cry to Me? Tell the sons of Israel to move forward…
Exodus 14:15 (Amplified Bible)
Exodus 14 continues and in the next few verses, God’s angel and the pillar of cloud stand behind the people, as they move forward through the sea on dry ground.

Why do you cry out to Me? Tell the sons of Israel to move forward. These words are for us. When we are being persecuted and are crying out, God is telling us to move on or move forward – because we have a job to do. Our job, as Christians, is to follow Christ, witness Christ and preach Christ. God will drive the sea back, throw the persecuting army into confusion, jam the wheels of their chariots and sweep them into the sea. Our job is to focus on our roles and responsibilities as followers of Christ.
On the eve of WWII in 1939, to motivate and encourage their citizens, the British Ministry of Defence created the Keep Calm and Carry On slogan. That reminds me of the verses above from Exodus 14. God is telling us, His people, who may be on the brink of a major battle or catastrophe, to not cry (keep calm) and move forward (carry on) because He is about to part the sea for us.
You can’t use strong-arm tactics against the Church without strengthening it. It’s always been that way. Under persecution, a man looks at his faith to see if it’s worth fighting for, and this is a scrutiny Christianity can always withstand.
God’s Smuggler – Brother Andrew
The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.
As we have read, the oftener we are mown down by you, the more in number we grow; the blood of Christians is seed – Tertullian. What those who persecute do not understand is that attacking people or attempting to obliterate them will not make people abandon their faith, it will only strengthen our grasp on it, because it is something valuable which is being threatened.
Share this with someone you are having a conversation with about Christian persecution in the world, especially if they are going through it.